威尼斯9499登录入口成立于2017年,是在2002年成立的威尼斯9499登录入口化工学院食品工程系的基础上,汇集西北农林科技大学食品科学与工程、威尼斯9499登录入口食品科学与工程、生命科学等相关专业的师资力量组建而成。学院现有二级学科博士点1个,一级学科硕士点1个,二级学科硕士点1个。 学院现有专职教师45人,其中教授9人,副教授21人,讲师15人,100%的教师具有博士学位,80%的教师有海外留学经历。教师队伍中有原国务院学位委员会学科评议组专家1人,享受国务院特殊津贴专家1人,教育部新世纪人才2人,陕西省“三五”人才1人,陕西省科技创新领军人才2人和陕西青年科技奖获得者2人。学院拥有“朱蓓薇院士工作站”、“陕西省食品安全风险识别控制技术研究中心”、“陕西省营养健康食品个性制造工程实验室”、“陕西省食品安全与营养健康创新转化平台”和“陕西省蜂产品工程技术研究中心”、“陕西省天然多糖资源利用工程研究中心”等科研平台...
李思佳,女,汉族,中共党员,理学博士。威尼斯9499登录入口分析化学专业硕士,威尼斯9499登录入口分析化学专业博士。2024年7月加入威尼斯9499登录入口,现主要从事食品安全与危害控制方面的研究。已在Chemical Engineering Journal,ACS Sensors,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical等国际期刊发表多篇SCI论文,累计影响因子总和为125.744。
[1] Sijia Li, Yanxia Qiao, Hong Li, Yajie Zhang, Jingyan Zhang, Haiqiang Deng*, Huiping Sun*, Yan Li*. Three-in-one: dispersant, emulsifier, and supporting electrolyte of hydrophobic ionic liquids for electrochemical collisions of single water droplets. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 485:150000.(IF=15.1,中科院一区,Top)
[2] Sijia Li, Jiayue Shi, Xia Yang, Yanxia Qiao, Yang Jiang, Yaqian Zhou*, Yan Li*, Chengxiao Zhang. Washing-free electrochemiluminescence biosensor for the simultaneous determination of N6 methyladenosines incorporating a tri-double resolution strategy. ACS Sensors, 2023, 8(7):2771-2779. (IF=8.9,中科院一区,Top)
[3] Sijia Li, Shengtao Zhang, Jiayue Shi, Xia Yang, Huiping Sun*, Yan Li*. Sensitive and non-separation 5-hydroxymethylcytosine double-stranded DNA sensing in different mice tissues: Electrogenerated chemiluminescence biosensing method incorporating DNA nanomachine amplification and nanocomposite magnetic separation. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2022, 368:132179.(IF=8.2,中科院一区,Top)
[4] Jiayue Shi, Sijia Li, Rongguang Shao, Yang Jiang, Yangxia Qiao, Jin Liu*, Yanqian Zhou*, Yan Li*. Electrochemiluminescence aptasensing method for ultrasensitive determination of lipopolysaccharide based on CRISPR-Cas12a accessory cleavage activity. Talanta, 2024, 272:125828.(共同第一作者,IF=6.1,中科院一区,Top)
[5] Yang Jiang, Xia Yang, Sijia Li, Yanxia Qiao, Yaqian Zhou*, Yan Li*. Chemiluminescence initiated by nebulization of oxidant- and catalyst-free aqueous luminol solutions. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 418:148753. (IF=15.1,中科院一区,Top)
[6] Yang Jiang, Qian Li, Yun Xu, Wanqiao Bai, Xia Yang, Sijia Li, Yan Li*. Electrochemiluminescent emission potential tunable Cu-Zn-In-S/ZnS nanocrystals for multiplex microRNAs potential-resolved detection. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2022, 201:113980. (IF=12.545,中科院一区,Top)
[7] Wushuang Bai, Sijia Li, Junping Ma, Wei Cao, Jianbing Zheng*. Ultrathin 2D metal- organic framework (nanosheets and nanofilms)- based xD-2D hybrid nanostructures as biomimetic enzymes and supercapacitors. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7(15):9086-9098. (IF=11.301,中科院一区,Top)
[8] Wanqiao. Bai, Wenyu. He, Huan. Wang, Sijia. Li, Xia. Yang, Huiping. Sun, Yan. Li*. Electrogenerated chemiluminescence method for sensitive detection of hydroxylated double-stranded DNA through multifunctional polyadenine probe and hybridization chain reaction. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2021, 336:129722. (IF=7.46,中科院一区,Top)
[9] Xia. Yang, Shuai. Qiao, Wei. Zhao, Sijia. Li, Yanxia. Qiao, Yang. Jiang, Yaqian. Zhou*, Yan. Li*. Homogeneous electrochemiluminescence for highly sensitive determination of demethylase FTO based on target-regulated DNAzyme cleavage and host-guest interaction. Analytical Chemistry, 2023, 95(30):11420-11428. (IF=7.4,中科院一区,Top)
[10] Xia. Yang, Aiping. Cui, Yajie. Zhang, Sijia. Li, Yan. Li*. Electrogenerated chemiluminescence biosensor for microRNA detection incorporating enzyme-free dual DNA cyclic amplification and Ru (bpy)32+-functionalized metal-organic framework. Talanta, 2022, 245:123458. (IF=6.556,中科院一区,Top)
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